Mamie Till Mobley

"There was an important mission for me, to shape so many...young minds as a teacher. God took away one child but...(gave) me thousands. And I have been grateful for the blessing." Mamie Till Mobley

Friday, January 7, 2011

Facebook Group calls for an open and transparent school board.

A group on Facebook is circulating a petition on  the Petition buzz site calling for an open and transparent Buffalo Board of Education all of the time, not just some of the time. The group issued a statement on the petition: 
"The Buffalo School Board is electing an East District representative on Thursday, January 13th beginning at 5pm in City Hall Room 801. Though the Committee on Open Government ruled that these meetings and deliberations are public, the School Board is threatening to hold this meeting in private. We deserve an open and transparent government, and that includes the Board of Education. The School Board is responsible to us and we want our voices to be heard and understood by the board."
There is community wide support for  Buffalo State College English Professor and former Buffalo  public school teacher, Theresa Harris-Tigg to fill the vacant East District seat.  She lost to the former incumbent Vivian Evans by only 15 votes  in the  School Board  elections last year. And she would have won the seat but  the group Democrats for Education Reform  inundated the neighborhood in the East District  and other areas of the City with paid volunteers canvassing the streets distributing the campaign literature of the incumbents and pro charter school candidates.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and mission. We all in this together as nation and public education is worth protecting and saving. added you to my blog roll
    Kilroy's Delaware


Whitney Tilson (3rd background)

Whitney Tilson (3rd background)
"Let’s be honest: we need a lot more well-off, well-educated white folks with a personal stake in both charter schools and education reform in general if we’re going to take reform to the next level, both politically and operationally.Whitney Tilson, hedge fund manager and major funding angel for the school privatizing Democrats for Education Reform, thinks there’s not enough rich, educated white folks.( Preaprez) click photo to his blog.

Arne Duncan

Arne Duncan
U.S. Secretary of Education, click photo